Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Being sick is never fun... duh. I am currently still in recovery from a really ugly flu and were it not for the lovely people that surround me, I could have died. Of course this is me being overly exaggerative but I mean, cut me some slack, it's the first time I get THIS sick without my momma around to make it all better. I guess it's no surprise that I can be extremely babyish especially when I'm sick but I was trying my best to go about my flu maturely. I stayed in my room the first day and when the girls came over for the weekly bible study, a few of them came to my room and showered me with medications. My goodness, they were a Godsend because I wouldn't have known what to take. Yes, I worked at a pharmacy and saw a billion people come in with flus and the such but spanish medicines are WEIRD and not the same as american ones.
Anyway after that day I felt a bit better(Friday) so I decided to go to practice. The dumb decision may not have been going to practice, rather, walking in freezing weather was where I screwed myself over, that night I was back to shivering with a massive fever. Saturday morning passed without a sound seeing I was KNOCKED OUT and by the time I woke up, church was only 4 hours away! Since I had established that I was healthy enough to follow through with the commitment to make a ton of home-made chicken nuggets, I couldn't go back on my word so with the help of my lovely roomies Andrew and Maryla, I was able to finish them on time. Sad thing was that things didn't go as expected with the delivery of these said nuggets so I took the bus to the church to deliver them myself. The problem was that my nose went ballistic about halfway there and I started bleeding out Niagara on the bus. By the time I got to church I was freaking out holding a wad of bloody paper to my nose and trying to find the nearest bathroom because I ran out of tissues(not to worry the chicken was in a bag safe and clean). I made it to the church but by this time I was shaking! I phoned one of the leaders(Miriam) who conveniently answered her phone outside so she saw me right away. Her and Danny came out and tried to help me but I was, like I said, freaking out and I was shaking like no other and I just really wanted to go back home. Well apparently Danny knew exactly what to do and he really helped me out and then gave me Lord knows what type of medication and made me a hot chocolate. Because they didn't want me to go out again I sat in a room the whole service bundled in Lina and Miriam's coats. Natalie came and sat with me and bought me dinner, then Scott came and just chatted. Esther, Damaris and Melissa came to check on me too. Three of the girls offered to take me home to take care of me and by the end of the night, I couldn't felt more loved. It amazes me how God used this illness to show me how many people really genuinely care. I even got a poem written in my honor!!! It's beautiful look,
Cara de Feli tenía su fiebre, su fiebre tenía su feli y le sangraba la nariz y le perseguía la perdiz.
Lol, best poem ever! Still don't know who wrote it:/

Anyway, aside from almost dying I started 3 more classes this week, start 2 more next week, and have a final and a paper on friday for a last semester class. I'm really happy with my classes though I feel some are very repetitive. The new wave of semester US students has come and I have met some amazing people! Really excited for this new semester!!!

On another note, I am trying to figure out where to apply for my master's program which should be starting next Spring. I am almost positive I am staying in SoCal though I wouldn't mind changing schools, we'll see where God takes me. I know this much, I am not going so far from my family that I cannot see them whenever I feel like it!!!! Miss them a ton and I cannot wait for March to see their beautiful faces!!!!

Well, I have learned so much so to end this post:
Things I have learned this week!
1. Dentists know a ton about bloody noses
2. Season clearance sales are really amazing, unless you're broke, then they're just another reminder that you've got no money!
3. Not everyone is allowed to use the word "chunti"
4. Sometimes you have to refrain form reacting so surprised to avoid hurting people's feelings or sounding stupid... or simply don't make such a loud gasp when someone says they have 10 bros and sis
5. When you're sick in a foreign country, disregard your better judgment and take whatever locals give you.

Until next time!


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Never forget, there's life after death, and taxes....

This week has gone by fairly quick and I find myself on yet another sunday night with a ton of things to do because I decided to procrastinate... and yet I'm writing this blog.
This week has been fairly productive. Finished 2 more classes, filed my taxes:D, went to the Sierra Nevada's, joined a cookin committee at church, helped my new roomie move, and earned 50% off my next delivery purchase from Dominoes pizza(probably the highlight of my week)!!!!!!

Going up to the Sierra's was simply majestic. It has been 2 years since I have seen snow and about 10 since I have seen it snow, I saw both in 1 day!!!! Amazing. Driving up the mountain I just looked out the window at the beautiful white view and then I turned to my left and saw the other white view(just kidding Andrew). No really in all seriousness I was so taken aback by the beauty of it all outside my window and the greatness of it. On the way down It was very foggy and I could see very little but what I could see gave me more reason to thank my God for the beauty in His creation. I looked at the mountains and just imagined how the white majestic pureness of those mountains were only a fraction of what heaven would be like. Listening to praise songs my heart just danced and I felt incredibly at peace for the entire bus ride. These are some of the songs I heard that just filled me with joy:
Desert Song-Hillsong
Paradise-The Insyderz
How Can I keep From Singing-Chris Tomlin
Louder than The Mob- OC Supertones
You never let Go-Matt Redman
Stare at the Sun-Thrice
Just a Closer Walk with Thee- Bart Millard
How He Loves-David Crowder Band
*If you have time to give those songs a listen they are all so good<3

Anyway aside from the spiritual awesomeness it was fun to play in the snow throwing snowballs, "bargaining" with the Moroccan's for cheap snow gloves, drinking half a cup of coffee(cus the other half was spilled on the way over), learning German, teaching Hebrew(or at least the most important phrase), hiking, sleeping, eating, and so many other crazy things. Perhaps the best part was the aftermath of a day in the snow for Andrew with no sunblock and full exposure to the sun. Needless to say, he would make a lovely lobster:)

Moving on. Today for sunday morning worship, the girl that was going to lead got sick and we had to improvise but I honestly believe today was the most fun I have had playing bass at this church. I got REALLY into the worship but I think it may have a lot to do with the happiness I had going to church after the wonderful snow trip and the WONDERFUL news I heard at night( this news being that my parents, sister, and niece are coming in April!!!!) I could not be happier and I had to try to keep myself from flying away from the high I had hearing this(I don't even know if that makes sense, that it's grammatically correct, nor that it can actually be said without sounding like a druggy). I cannot cannot cannot CANNOT wait for them to come and visit me and meet my favorite people! God is good, all the time, but it's moments like this that really make me thankful to God because He not only blesses me with what I need to survive but He also provides me with an abundance of EXTRA blessings that are simply to add on to my joy. WOWZA! I repeat, God is good.

In sum, I am one happy camper for several reasons and although in these moments things may come to try and take my happiness, they cannot take my joy, that is forever mine. Everything changes, minds, people, attitudes, feelings, places, etc. but God is my constant and that is not only sufficient but more than enough so my joy will transcend the changes of this world. AMEN.

Because I have heard so many GREAT things, I will dedicate this section to:
1. "I want someone I can share my personal parts with!"- Context: in talking about future relationships and sharing those "personal moments" with someone, my how word selection can invert meaning.
2. "You didn't say it German enough!"- Context: trying to figure out the name of a x-mas song I shouted Tanenbaum and a second later another person exclaimed "Tanenbaum." I told him that I had JUST said that and this was his response.
3. "La gran diferencia entre los estudiantes EEUU y los europeos es que los EEUU nunca realmente aprenden lo que se les enseña"- Context: Teacher amazed that no one knew basic US history... for shame.
4. "Apparently you have to push this(points to the red record button on the iPhone) in order to record. -Context: My dearest friends trying to record my other friend during her monologue and realizing afterward that she was supposed to actually click record:)
5. "I was home-schooled, that's why I'm weird" -Context not necessary, just know she had a HUGE smile on her face.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Hello late facebook friends and blog readers!
So some may or may not have noticed but I am not longer on Facebook and this being for several reasons but I figure anyone that would like to keep in contact with me in the mean time can email me at, I would be more than happy to talk but for now, Facebook and I are not speaking.
Anyway, the year has started and I haven't been doing too well being abroad and such. I really miss home_ well no,  I really really miss my family which I guess is completely different. I'm not sure I would go home were it not that I am going crazy without my family near me. I feel it only gets harder and thinking I still have 7 months here makes me a little sick to my stomach. Aside from that my classes are going well, so far I have gotten 2 A's and 1 B+:( so far pretty ok but I had an exam on Thursday which I still don't know my grade and 2 more exams at the beginning of February, scary.

So, I did an excursion 2 Sundays ago to the Abadía del Sacromonte and I learned a great deal. It still amazes me how much history there is in the city I live in and how old everything actually is. The visit was interesting and I really enjoyed it:) There were actually 2 mummified little boys chillin' in the cathedral and a painting of Jesus that looks like he is dancing to Single Ladies... I hope that doesn't sound bad I know Jesus didn't dance to single ladies in real life and I hope the artist gets punished in the next life for poorly depicting Jesus.
A bit of interesting history I learned: In the 2nd century a man named Cecilio with 12 other men(how original) came to Granada Spain to try to preach the gospel, however it was not well received and so Cecilio and his 12 friends were tortured and killed. Several years later people looked at what he had done and thought he made a great... BISHOP so they deemed him the first Bishop in Spain. WELL, several centuries later at the abadía some excavator ran into some bones that seemingly belonged to San Cecilio and so unsurprisingly the site was made it a tourist attraction but to make it all the more exciting, they found them next to 2 very large stones, one white stone and one black stone that are claimed to have mystical powers. The stones are kept separate in order to not cause trouble seeing that each ones purpose is an exact opposite of the other. You see, if you rub the white stone you meet the love of your life/future spouse within the year but if you rub the black stone you will become unmarried within the year. The problem with the black stone is that because divorce was not permitted in Spain for a very long time, rubbing the black stone would ensure an unhappy married person that their spouse would be "done away with" for good. The professor told us not to touch the white stone because it was dangerous but that it was ok to touch the black one... mostly everyone looked as if they wanted to touch the white stone but didn't want to go first so naturally, I went and gave that stone a good rubbin'... not that I expect to meet anyone but I just thought I would break the ice for everyone else, sure enough others went and gave it a good pat or a simple touch. Needless to say, my professor told me I had to invite her to my wedding:-/

Um... No

So I have learned a few things and I figured I would share, so to bring it back, here are things I have learned:
1. The Spanish police can be creepy and apparently like starting fights with perfectly innocent people. And I do quote "¿Quieres ver quien es más chulo? " yes those were the police officer's exact words...
2. Facebook is good for long distance friend maintenance... if you actually have more than 2 friends abroad, otherwise it is useless, depressing and an impedimenta for one to do homework and study.
3. Seeing my mom bake something is awesome!- unless I am thousands of miles away and can't eat any of it.
4. Going to a church not only helps you with your spiritual life but can also provide people that can bring light to your life:)
5. Talking to my best friend Nat is awesome no matter how long it's been since the last time! You should talk to her, you'll see what I mean. Natalie Gomez, amigota, you are the biz and I can't wait for you to come!!!
6. Sometimes people can surprise you with their words whether it's a comment about how you always have a smile, how much of an impact you are leaving, or simply telling you how much they love you even if you feel you've given them little to no reason to care so much about you.
7. Knowing that a friend back home is probably broken and scared but being unable to do so much as give that person a hug and tell them you love them is a horrible feeling, that said, take advantage of the time and proximity you have with those around you and never cease to make your friends aware of how much they mean to you.
8. Love in it's purest form transcends time, conditions, and space... Love, perfect love, is the only one that will NEVER let us down, for this reason, only the love we receive from the Father will ever be sufficient, everlasting, unconditional, forgiving, true, powerful, hopeful, and unchanging.
9. It takes a coward to try and cover up their mistakes but it takes a valiant to stand up and admit their mistake and willingly take on whatever consequence comes their way. No shame in repentance, but respect and forgiveness.
10. I should be studying, but this update seemed more important... way to go Foli...

Saturday, January 7, 2012

And this not from ourselves but by the Grace of God...

So, another Christmas has come and gone another year has just begun and I sit on my bed with the music on blast, sipping on some digestive tea typing, waiting for something not sure what, and my mind spinning with thoughts that I cannot put to rest. I am so thankful for what has been given to me this year and cannot wait for what is in store for me. This beautiful gift of studying abroad and meeting some of the most beautiful people I have ever met has been so much more than I could have asked for. The first four months have been crazy! Some days I felt like I was on top of the world, like I was invincible and others I felt like no encouraging words could make me stand to my feet. I felt broken, alone, and frustrated some days and even abandoned at times even while talking to my family with so much frequency but the truth is that not once was I alone, not once was I forgotten, and not one day went by that someone wasn't praying for me. All part of the study abroad experience I guess, the ups and the downs. I danced with the lovely thoughts of me being in Spain and all the great things I was going to learn but refused to take into account I was going to feel so down sometimes. It all seems so beautiful before leaving home and when you get here you realize that nothing is ever perfect and everything takes some work, some sacrifice, and plenty of prayer. Now don't get me wrong, looking at what I just wrote makes me sound like I have not enjoyed the time here, that would not be true. I have met some amazing people, built some great relationships, learned to cook better, manage my money better, deal with problems, and appreciate people for everything they are to me both good and bad. These past four months have grown me. More than I expected, and sometimes, more than I wanted. In sum, the four months abroad felt like 4 years at home.

 I truly love Granada and everything is has to offer. That was especially confirmed after one week in Dublin, Ireland where nobody(except the bar tenders) seemed to believe in working after 5pm and the closest market was about 30 minutes away. Granada has a beautiful church family that has helped me feel more at home and one of the women at the church is constantly checking up on me and making sure I am ok, Raquel has truly blessed my life not only through allowing me to take part in the worship group but by being such an important figure in my life out here.

 I look forward to the next 8 months I have left here in Spain. I cannot wait to see what God has in store for me. I cannot fear this coming year but face it with a smile. God is good, no, God is GREAT. What comfort to know my future lies in the hands of the Creator of every thing! For those of you who read this, don't hesitate to write to me and even give me your address! Granada is in no short supply of postcards!!!

Now, I realize that I have not done the things I have learned in a while but since this is the start of the new year I will do a 12 month timeline. I did after all say that this YEAR was crazy and the actual study abroad experience has only taken up 4 months, the other 8 were pretty essential in finishing up the 2011 year. With that said I present:

Things that happened to Foli in 2011!!!!!
January- Started in a small group with a great group of girls. Started my second to last semester at CSUF.

February- I am sure something happened to me directly but I cant remember so I am just going to say that Valentine's day happened and thus started one of the most awesome relationships I have known, my brother and Brianne<3 Love them bof:) Quick edit, don't know how I could have forgotten but I took part in the marriage of Tanya and David Barrera<3 Don't have a picture though!

March- Daddy turned another year older and I got to experience the most awesome thing I have lived through, the birth of my niece Noelani<3 Mexico kicks El Salvador's butt in soccer 5-0 and I get disowned for saying El Salvador would lose...

April-Highlight of my month; going to Tijuana Mexico with the kids and spending a whole day with them<3 Miss them all a ton.

May- Finished my semester well:) Start up a bucket list with my best friend Nat for things that had to b done before I left for Spain

June- Turned 21, went to Knotts with my family for my birthday then drove out to San Diego(my favorite place in the world) but didn't make it cus of traffic but ended up at Farrel's and ate yummy icecream... yes that was the highlight of my month.

July- Finished all the visa paperwork only to find out my grant was withdrawn because of a new bill that lowered the bar and took back any financial aid given to some students. I thought I wasn't going to study abroad anymore but my brother in law and sister offered to lend me the amount that had been taken<3 Family once again proves to be AMAZING.

August- Little brother turned 12! Finished up preparations for the year abroad, had a going away party, got on a flight to Madrid, met a ton of people, went to Granada on bus, and arrived to the most beautiful city I have ever seen.

September- Momma and brother-in-law turned one year older and I moved into my first flat and even though I loved one of my flatmates I didn't like the place very much so after one month__

October- I moved into a new flat:). Started my classes. Started playing in the worship band at church.

November- First visitor from Cali came to visit, I went to Rome and ate the best pasta in my life. Sister turned a year older.

December- Brothers came to visit and spend christmas with me, I went to Dublin and spent New Year with my roomies and a bunch of people I didn't know, got pretty homesick, but all in all pretty good new year, different for sure. Older bro turned a year older and I finished 2/4 classes.

That sums it up for now:) Pretty soon I will update the past blogs with relevant pictures:)

Oops! I forgot to mention.... I may have cheated a bit...
Merry Christmas to me!!!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

C is for....

Christmas, Chanuka, cookies, cakes, carols, candy, chocolate, cleaning, choirs, castles, chicle, classes, celebration, canciones, creeping, calling....
Cannot believe all that December has brought!
To start, last thursday was such a glorious day when I got off the bus and saw my brothers standing, suitcases in hand, waiting for me to pick them up. Seeing their faces and hugging them, physically hugging them, was such a great feeling.
Since their visit I think we have done more sleeping in and eating than anything else. It's amazing that no matter how much time goes without being together, we can still act like our lazy selves...
It's really sad, the first place we went to eat at was a chinese restaurant and the second I took them to visit the Kebab King and my friends Jamel and Carmen at the tea place, turns out the brothers aren't too fond of kebabs:( nearly broke my heart! Thankfully Timo was nice enough to suggest going for tapas so my brothers and I acompanied him, April, Timo, and Dani for some yummy tapas. It was a good first experience of tapas for my bros. Other than that we didn't do much more but we did take a day trip to Malaga in which we attempted to visit a castle so we climbed forever long up a friggin mountain only to find out that as soon as we got to the tippy top they had closed the castle entrance 10 minutes before.... unhappy Foli. My sadness was turned to happiness when we got to go to the Picasso museum and look at artsy stuff, mainly picasso-y stuff. I am almost positive I left cross-eyed from staring at the paintings to long in attempts to figure out what they were.
Christmas Eve came way too quickly and I felt very unprepared. I was thankful to pass it with my roommates' family. They were a funny bunch and the food was delicious! We had a ton of food and desserts... mmmmmmmmm. Unfortunately, I had the worst asthma attack of my life and thought I was going to die:( not the happiest ending to my christmas BUT as we say here in Granada, "no pasa na'" I am good now... though the lack of oxygen to my brian culd posibly be detrimental...
well, this is just a quick update in honor of my brothers' visit. Tomorrow is their last day in Granada and we go up to Madrid together. From their we part ways and they go back to SoCal and I got to Dublin Ireland:)

As my brothers' stay comes to an end and I start dreading their departure I cannot but thank God for this time we had together.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Thanks to who?

Yay, it hasn't been too too long since I last wrote. So let's see... Recap time!
Thanksgiving came and went and my program coordinated a dinner for all of us. The unfortunate thing was that turkey was too expensive so they gave us pork, go figure. Regardless of the food it was great seeing everybody again because to be honest I have seen very little of the people in my program because I am constantly hanging out with my roomies or with people from church. Well, that night went very well but it had been a little over a week since I had been able to talk to parents and I was really feeling it especially when everyone started talking about going home to call their families. I went home under the same impression but once again when I called they were not home and I felt horrible. So of course I started bawling my eyes out and I was going to sleep when my dad called. I was so happy to see their faces but it was impossible to look normal and my aunt of course called me out and was like "I think she's crying! Are you happy?" I couldn't help but laugh when she said that. Anyway I got to talk to them after all and I felt better. The next day I had invited several friends over for a thanksgiving dinner and to keep myself from getting overly stressed I bought the turkey from a nice restaurant. Everything that night was wonderful and it served as a a nice reminder that I have a lovely family in Christ here in Granada. So much laughter and such great conversations. Well the night went off with little error( I say little because the first dessert I made was a fail so I made a different one really quick which came out great!) I went to bed that night with a smile, woke up the next morning with a horrible horrible stomach ache. When I went to talk to my roommate Maryla it turned out she was suffering too and she had thrown up. Well, all day I had been praying it had been from the fail dessert we were picking at before bed and because no one else told me anything I was relieved... However the next day I found out that EVERYONE had an array of food poisoning symptoms like diarrhea, stomach pains, vomiting, fatigue, etc. I was HUMILIATED. Thankfully, it wasn't anything I had made, after all I had only mashed potatoes and rice as sides. Needless to say I went and got my money back which wouldn't have been possible if Maryla was so awesome at dealing with things.
Aside from that sad dinner thing everything has been going well though I must be honest and say I miss my family like crazy. I miss the little things and the bigs things that go with this season. Thankfully one thing does not change and that is that Jesus is still the reason for this season and with or without my family it's a time to be thankful for the birth of the child that was to save our lives.
I have been extra grateful for my roommates because we have such good and dense discussions about faith and social topics and while our opinions may be so very different, we can talk without any bitterness or resentment and I thoroughly enjoy every single conversation. Especially with Rony who despite are incredibly BIG differences in opinion we talk and talk about what is important to us and we hear each other out. My roommates are some of the most tolerant people I have met:) Such blessings.
I can say that God has been faithful. I have been able to share my faith and He is constantly providing opportunities to make His name known. To be quite  honest I used to be so scared to talk about my faith but God has definitely taken that fear and while my relationship with Him grows, my confidence only grows with it.
I love my life<3**sigh**
Things I have learned!!!
116. My mom does so much during x-mas that I take for granted when I'm home
117. Homes don't smell like cookies unless there is someone baking them
118. Dominoes Pizza is addicting when you are craving crappy pizza
119. People will always let you down, but God will always be faithful
120. Never take an attack negatively but take it and learn from it to prepare yourself for a much greater battle.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

No, but seriously...

So I am well aware that I said I would keep up better with my blog, but I haven't been able to! I have, however, decided to go to sleep later and give a better update as to what is going on. I have been doing very well with my classes and have been learning a great deal both inside and outside of the classroom. I have started to play bass at my church here in Granada for the young adult's services and some sunday morning/evening services though I have not yet played on a sunday morning. I enjoy cooking and have failed to improve on procrastinating when it comes to laundry. I have visited Rome, which was amazing, and made a wish at the Trevi fountain(hope it comes true). I am learning more each day about myself and about what God wants from me. Being in Spain has most definitely provided several opportunities to share just how amazing God has been and about the great news. I find myself wishing not that I was home, but that my family and friends could be here with me. The life here is different. People do not live to work but work to live. Relationships are formed easily with local businesses and new tastes are acquired every week..
So lately I have really been thinking, what can I say about myself despite what others may actually think? this is what I have come up with... so taking the place of my list of things learned in general, I give you

Things I have learned about me:
 I tend to get lost in thought washing dishes and sometimes laugh to myself when I recall silly memories from home like saying bye to a friend after having breakfast and then coincidentally running into him right after at a starbucks, or hilarious car rides with my best friend and ALWAYS getting lost. I don't tend to have a ton of friends but I can honestly say those I consider friends are precious to me. Sometimes I look angry when I wash dishes but it's not because I don't like doing it, it's because I am thinking of something serious, like things I regret or things I wish I could do different. In the end I always remember that I would not be where I am today where it not for all of that. I tend to over-think things all the time. Whether it be something small or large I give it too much thought and it never leads to anything good. That said, I should probably abstain from washing anymore dishes. I'm not always right, although I like to sometimes pretend I am. I tend to talk way more than I should. I cook in much too large quantities despite my countless efforts to make smalls portions. I don't know how to pick the right melons, and I am notorious for getting lost. I eat poorly and like to make meals out of junk food. I spend too much time on nonsensical things and can be difficult. I try too hard to hide that I am upset but don't hide it at all when I am annoyed. I laugh too much and can sometimes get caught in a nervous laugh attack. I have asthma, poor vision, and cannot digest lactose very well. I'm not very organized, though I can clean up when I need to. I hate that I have had to work before coming to Spain, but I love that I have had work since my senior year of high school. I love kids though I do not plan on having any soon despite the financial benefits and government aid it would provide me with thus paying my degree. I get very irritated with government though I tend to stay out of politics. I don't believe in voting for presidential candidates though I do believe in voting on propositions and such. I cannot name all the presidents, and cannot locate all 50 states in the US. I don't like people hearing me sing, though it pains me I can't sing in the shower here. I love driving, though most days I am happy to walk everywhere.  I love grocery shopping and have learned to stick to a strict grocery budget here. I like having friends, though I tend to be bad at maintaining them. I tend to make non-awkward situations awkward and awkward situations 10x more awkward. I can't walk across a room with a glassful of liquid without spilling it and I know nothing about good wines. I know nothing about designer clothes, brands, and shopping and to this day find paying hundreds on a purse ridiculous. I put my relationship with God before any relationship with a guy and truly believe that God has someone for me that will love Him more than he could ever love me. Singleness is a gift and dating is a serious topic. I refuse to waste anyone's time and would rather no one waste mine. I love my flatmates and though I miss my family immensely, love living on my own. I tend to sing random words in peoples sentences subconsciously and sing random songs that are triggered by key words in conversation. I love public speaking and can do well with short term memorization. I love teaching people how to do things and I love learning a new language. estou fazendo um trabahlo muito bem:) did I mention I tend to talk too much? I tend to be in a good mood and cannot stop smiling because God is good. I am thankful for the pastors that have impacted my life and have taught me sound doctrine. I am thankful for those who have answered my millions of questions. I am outgoing when I am comfortable but can be extremely shy in public or even after class. I don't really have a favorite color and I'm not a fan of flowers.
I guess that's it for now. I wont say that I will write soon but I will say that I hope to. I miss my family, my friends, my church, and my co-workers. I miss Olivia. I miss in-n-out and chik-fil-A and in all honesty...